
Modernization of OKUMA LB15 II CNC lathe

The original control hardware on CNC lathe OKUMA LB15 II is replaced by:

Z axis drive

For driving Z axis an INDA direct current motor is used with power of about 4kW and that used to be part of Prvomajska CNC machines. This motor is driving all mechanics for X axis and also revolver head. Approximate mass that is driven by the motor is about 300-400 kg. Maximum speed is 12000 mm/min.

For driving this motor it is used prototype DC servo drive DCS-5020. Power is supplied by powerful three phase transformer that weights about 100kg, via bridge rectifier of 90A and electrolytic capacitors of 6800uF, 450V. DC servo drive DCS-5020 is powered by DC power supply of ~170VDC and maximum drive current is adjusted by software to 50A. The current of motor that drives Z axis has been measured using ServoTune3 software in LOG mode and in operation it does not go above 20A. Drive heatsink temperature is about 30°C–35°C while drive is operational. Brake resistor of 20Ω and with power of 6kW is used. The lathe is operated every day for 12-13 hours without interruption.

Originally for driving INDA direct current motor a thiristor (SCR) regulator had been used. With DC servo drive DCS-5020 motor is now working much quieter and nicer. It has been observed that the motor when driven by new DC servo drive has somewhat higher working temperature after longer period of operation.

Drive for X axis and revolver head

For driving X axis and revolver head, DC servo drives DCS-3010-HV are used with working supply voltage of about 170VDC.


el. ing. Attila Halász

Industrial Controls PR
Subotica, Serbia
Mob.: +381-64-253 9 256
E-mail: attila.halasz.123@gmail.com
Web: www.facebook.com/Industrial-Controls-CNC-Retrofit-213270266138278

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